If you would like to know how to say hello in Turkish you will
need to learn the word ‘Merhaba’ which is pronounced Mare-ha-ba. This is
the way to say hello for almost any situation that you may be in but if you
want to go one step further then you can also learn a few variations on this.
If you see someone in the morning then you can also use ‘Gunaydin’, pronounced
goon-eye-din which essentially translates as good morning. Later in the
day this will change to ‘Tunaydin’, pronounced toon-eye-din, and this
translates as good afternoon. If it is evening time then you can say good
evening to someone by using ‘Iyi aksamlar’, pronounced ee-ak-sham-lar. It is
customary in
For those that are planning on visiting
When you first begin to learn Turkish it is vital that you find
the time to practice often so that you keep words fresh in your mind. It can
often be a good idea to try and incorporate what you are learning into your every
day life by using the words and phrases. This should help you to retain the
information much more effectively so trying saying hello in Turkish to your
friend’s everyday! The language as we know it today did not always exist and
during the Ottoman Empire a combination of Turkish, Persian, and Arabic was
spoken, known as Ottoman Turkish. It was due to the rise of the